I read the other day, through a link on PPP that Boyd Devereaux was a metal head and owned his own record label. Well, my inevitable link to that information, is that he must have had ball-bearings in his head to try and skate the puck up the middle on the penalty kill with his teammates going for a line change. Other than that play, the Leafs played a decent defensive game, despite the shots differential. The defense did a fantastic job of clearing the crease, making Gerber look a little better than his rebounds should have allowed. Jay Harrison did a great job in the defensive zone (all terms American)corners and in front of the net. Ian White is becoming less and less visible lately. The only other complaint I have about the play last night(and in the past few months) is every time I hear Stajan's name I see him laying on the ice or just picking himself up. Can someone please hire this kid a full time strength coach for the summer? Preferably this nice young man:
I dedicate this comment section to R. Lee Ermey quotes.
"Only two things come from Texas, and you ain't got no horns."
"I firmly believe that you live and learn, and if you don't learn from past mistakes, then you need to be drug out and shot."
Good thing JFJ left the team.
"What in the hell are you doing in my graveyard? You have been told to stay away! Sound off like you've got a pair! " This is a quote that could also apply to JFJ (Frighteners, one of best movies ever...)
Here we go Antropov!
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